Sunday, July 29, 2018 7:27 AM Posted by Admin
You CANNOT proceed from here....
You have reached the END of the Internet folks.... There is no way out.... No way forward.... and No way back
Please follow the instructions below....
Due to the recent events of 2020, we have had to limit the size of the Internet.
You have reached the maximum capacity of the Internet and now have nowhere else to go....
Your body, soul and mind now belong to us....
You cannot escape....
Your trolling ways have trapped you in the infinte infinity of the END OF THE INTERNET...
You must enter the chat room or follow the instructions below to return to the NORMAL Internet....
We recommend entering chat..... The Operators there are happy to help guide you back to the normal Internet....
If you choose... you may make a donation to the site that will help you exit the END of the Internet...
The crazycatlady handles all donations and exit requests....
But, these are the only means to use to find your way back to the NORMAL Internet....
It is a sad thing that you have reached the end of the Internet, but we are working very hard to extend it soon...
All donations are used to expand the Internet and make your stay on the Internet an enjoyable one!!!
Please submit dontations using one of these methods -
Paypal -
Venmo - Evelyn-Turner-9
CashApp - $catlady1970
CoinBase -
Facebook Pay and mail in donations are also accepted - please enter to chat to ask how!!!
Once your donation is made you will be redirected back to the normal Internet....
Thank you for visiting!!! We hope your stay was so memorable that you will come back often!!!
Sunday, July 29, 2018 7:27 AM Posted by Admin
We Support All IRC Clients!
Regardless of what IRC client you use, we support it! We have Ops skilled in nearly every IRC client out there to help you maximize your chatting experience with us! No matter what IRC client you use join us by connecting to: port +6697 for a more secure connection!
Sunday, July 29, 2018 7:27 AM Posted by Admin
Our Mission
Welcome! Are you looking for a place to relax, make friends, chat and have fun WITHOUT the drama, cliques and bullshit? Here at BDSM Chat we are making strides to assure this type of environment just for YOU! Our welcome room is #Chat
Must have a witty sense of humor, a quick smile and know how to use the /ignore if something offends you. However, it is against server rules to ignore any Admin or operator!
We hope we have created a place you feel safe to chat and enjoy yourself. We demand that ALL are treated with respect, not just Doms / Dommes/ Masters / Mistresses etc. YOU are a human being and should be treated with respect regardless of your gender, orientation, fetish, etc.
ALL are welcome here! We have open arms for all people. No matter what you label yourself as, you are welcome here! Just because our name is BDSM Chat does not mean it is all about BDSM, we have many rooms and if you do not see one that fits you make one!
If you ever have an issue feel free to message an Op or Server Admin. We also have a #rant_room where you can go if you just need to blow off steam! If you have ideas about how to make this a more enjoyable experience please voice them in #suggestions.
Our TRIVIA room is one of a kind! We offer REAL prizes! Check it out here #Trivia. Our dedicated trivia bot is always learning new things! It rarely offers the same topic twice so you better brush up or it will win!
Our rules are simple, please read them and abide by them!
1. Must be 18 or older to use this site! Chatting with minors is considered as bad as being one, offenders will be banned.
2. Age Play IS permitted providing both parties are over the age of 18 and both consent to such play.
3. No child pornography of any kind period! No pictures, no links, nothing. No posting on ANY pictures or links to anyone under the age of 18 is permitted. Violators will be banned.
4. No discussion of illegal drugs, use of illegal drugs and so forth shall be permitted.
5. No offensive nick names, or nicknames that can be considered inflammatory, racist, etc. You will be asked to change your nick, failure to do so results in being kicked from the server and / or banned.
6. No racism, race baiting, threatening other users, harassing, stalking shall be permitted.
7. You may not agree with someone's choice of gender, role or status but you will respect it.
8. Since we have to enforce the rules, it is necessary that text be in a language - that can be understood by everyone. Therefore, we are declaring English as the - server language. Ops may require channel topics, channel names or any - communication to be in English as deemed necessary.
9. No spamming channels with links, there are rooms for that. Type /list and post links in appropriate rooms.
10. Hypnosis channels are for entertainment only! Use at your own risk! We are not responsible for your use of such channels!
11. Channel owners are responsible for training their operators. We do have an operator training and help channel open #OpsHelp if channel owners need assistance in learning how to run their rooms.
12. Enjoy your chat and let's have some drama free fun!
Sunday, July 29, 2018 7:27 AM Posted by Admin
BDSM Chat Fetlife Group
We have set up a group for our users to enjoy over on Fetlife. See their profiles, naughty pictures and videos, friend them and keep up to date with their pages!!.....